Monday, May 02, 2011

Safari Marathon

Today is another holiday in South Africa called Worker's Day. This morning we had to get up at 5:30am to leave our house by 6:00am. Remi picked us all up and drove us to a town in wine country called Wellington, South Africa. The reason we went to Wellington was to watch the coordinators from Gordon's Bay run in the Safari Half Marathon. When I was first told about something called the Safari Half Marathon I was really hoping to see lots of animals, but alas, I'll get my chance soon enough. We passed through Paarl and Stellenbosch on the way to Wellington and it was neat to see all the vineyards. In the car on the way over to Wellington we heard on the radio that Osama Bin Laden had been killed. This is another world event that it would have been nice to see the news coverage on since we have no internet at the house or access to TV or newspapers.

The coordinators finished the half marathon all around two hours and by 10am we were back in the van on the way to Fish Hoek. A trip through the scenic countryside and spending time with people from Gordon's Bay was a nice way to spend another public holiday.

Instead of going straight back to Fish Hoek, Remi dropped us off in Kalk Bay. We did a little shopping and then went for a lunch at a restaurant called the Wild Olive. When lunch was finished we walked from Kalk Bay back to Fish Hoek. The walk took about 30mins and it started to rain along the way but cleared up pretty quickly.

We hung out at the Kinrae house for the afternoon and I made a trip over to the internet cafe on Main Road with Iris and Shelly. It was supposed to be my roommate, Lindsey's night on dinner duty but because it was a holiday and Bolekwa had the day off, Jane and Shelly made dinner for us instead. We just watched a movie together after dinner.

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